Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Parent Lecture

Monday I attended the parent lecture. I found this to be the most interesting lecture yet. By listening to what the parents had to say, I found out what goes on in the minds of parents and this should help me when I become a teacher.
One thing I learned is that parents don't like just looking at progress charts while their at conferences. They would rather just talk about their child for the whole conference. Their reasoning is that the charts mean nothing to them because they can't do much about it. That's the teacher's job.
One thing I learned about IEP meetings is that sometimes parents feel overwhelmed with how many people attend them. If less people come, the parents may feel more open and able to ask questions without so much imtimidation.
What I was most happy to learn is that although teachers underpaid, the retirement benefits are pretty good. :)

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