I thought the lecture was very informative. There were I lot of things I never knew I needed to know, and without this lecture I would have fallen beyond. Now I feel I somewhat have an idea of what is going on.
I have mixed feelings about the chalk and wire thing. I already feel poor after I just signed up for our PPST test, and now thinking about all the other expenses I'm going to have before I start making the big bucks as a teacher...I'd almost rather make one by hand as a hard copy and have it right in front of me. I like the organization of the online one, but sometimes those can be confusing as well.
Be sure to link all of your group members' blogs to yours. Thanks for keeping up with this assignment.
I agree that the fee for chalk and wire is annoying. I mean we had to pay for j-term last year when everyone elses class was included in tuition and then the PPST and now chalk and wire. I also don't like how it only lasts for 4 years and then you have to pay to renew it if you want to keep it updated for the future if you switch schools or something. That part is kind of ridiculous. But I think it's nice that we don't have a bunch of paper floating around and getting loss and everything is organized on chalk and wire for you. It's definitely going to take some getting used to!
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